My tax year has now ended, what do I do about paying tax?

Your Accountant will tell you how much tax you are liable for, provided that they have all the information in good time. But I would recommend that you start putting a percentage of your income away immediately, to ensure that you have enough cash available at the point you need to pay the tax. We would recommend

By |2022-03-02T12:18:26+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on My tax year has now ended, what do I do about paying tax?

What should I do about a tax return?

Submitting a tax return is not a straight forward affair, if you have more than one source of income. Your Private Practice and an NHS salary would mean that you have more than one source. Your Accountant will advise you when the tax year ends, when the tax return is to be submitted, and when

By |2022-03-02T12:18:13+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on What should I do about a tax return?

My secretary seems to be struggling with the billing & collection, but I do not want to change things, as it may upset. What should I do?

We have taken over from, and worked with a large number of amazing secretaries who were relieved when the billing was taken away. Secretaries have told us that they struggle because they do not enjoy handling the money side of the practice (ask yourself the same question, would you like to be handling the money side, and

By |2022-03-02T12:17:46+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on My secretary seems to be struggling with the billing & collection, but I do not want to change things, as it may upset. What should I do?

I am switching over to trading as a limited company, have you any good advice for me?

Your accountant will have the best advice, but we do recommend one thing. Before you open a company bank account, please ask the bank whether they will accept cheques made out to you personally. In our experience, the name of most limited companies is different to that of the Consultant, and this presents a challenge

By |2022-03-02T12:17:33+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on I am switching over to trading as a limited company, have you any good advice for me?

I am new to Private Practice, how should I be set up to trade? My friend says that I should start up a Limited Company?

How you conduct your practice requires expert advice, and the best people to advise you are Accountants, and especially those with Specialist Medical knowledge. We know of several ways to work in Private Practice, Sole Trader, Limited Company, LLP,  and your accountant can advise which suits your practice. Bear in mind that if you trade

By |2022-03-02T12:17:17+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on I am new to Private Practice, how should I be set up to trade? My friend says that I should start up a Limited Company?

I am new to Private Practice, how should I choose an Accountant?

Your choice of an Accountant can make a significant difference to the success of  your Practice, depending on your needs. The criteria that you may wish to consider are Do I need someone who can just take my end-of-year figures and process them into a tax return? Do I need someone who can advise me

By |2022-06-20T20:59:08+01:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on I am new to Private Practice, how should I choose an Accountant?

Under the Data Protection Act, who can I share patient data with?

The Data Protection Acts are not there to stifle business, they are there to ensure that data collected is used and protected appropriately, and managed according to the purpose for which it was collected. That means you can share data with your secretary, the insurance companies and other parties, such as Hospitals, Accountants and Billing

By |2022-03-02T12:10:47+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on Under the Data Protection Act, who can I share patient data with?

I have been advised that I need to register with the Information Commissioners Office. Why is that, and what do I have to do?

You have a legal duty to register with the Information Commissioners Office. In the NHS, the legalities of the Data Protection Act are overseen by the Trust. In private Practice you are responsible for the Data that is collected about your employees and your patients. It is very simple to do, log on to the ICO

By |2022-03-14T12:48:06+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on I have been advised that I need to register with the Information Commissioners Office. Why is that, and what do I have to do?

When I make purchases for my Private Practice, I find that the prices charged are too high. What can I do?

At HytheHopes, we always look for best value rather than cost. We consider value as the benefits minus the costs, and to do this we assign an amount to each benefit. We often find people in all walks of life focus only on costs and make decisions without considering all the factors. Sometimes it is

By |2022-03-02T12:10:20+00:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on When I make purchases for my Private Practice, I find that the prices charged are too high. What can I do?

Where can I get a website built?

We know that there are plenty of companies out there that can build a good quality website, at a reasonable price, and within a reasonable timescale. But from our perspective, the biggest challenge is finding someone who can design the website, who understands you and your customers, and can deliver a scientific approach to website

By |2022-06-20T20:54:47+01:00March 2nd, 2022||Comments Off on Where can I get a website built?
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